Fisher's Island Album and More Pictures

A few weeks ago, Liz, Harry and I sailed to Fisher’s Island in the afternoon, and what a ride it was! The winds averaged 10-15 knots steady off the starboard quarter, and with an outgoing current, we flew through the water. We averaged 7.2 knots over ground! What normally takes about 2.5 hours took less than two, and we were there before we knew it and tied up at Fisher’s Island Yacht Club. We had a nice time walking around, playing baseball, and spending time on one of the beaches like we did back in 2019. Unfortunately, when we went to get dinner at The Pequot (the only restaurant on the public side of the island open at night), we had outdoor seating and were massacred by mosquitos when the sun went down. By the time we got back to ORION, it was dark, so I installed the battery-operated running lights, got out my charts, and motored back home since there was no wind. All in all, it was great to be back, but I think the next time we go, we’ll plan to get there a little earlier and perhaps have our dinner onboard the boat. Check out the photo album of the Fisher’s Island trip here.

Also, there are more pictures in the 2024 Sailing page from various small trips, including some I took today when I had lunch up river in Keeny Cove. Take a look at the Sailing 2024 page here.