I have been watching the track of Hurricane Lee for the past week or so, and while it seems to be passing us by quite a wide margin, we’re still supposed to be getting some significant winds tomorrow.
It was a record number of Mariners for a Rendezvous, and after the event, a number of members contributed over 200 photos to a shared Google Photo Album.
I kept some of the old information from the original Nicro vent and incorporated what I recently did with the new Marinco vent as there was a lot of information about how I chose that particular style of vent and why.
I also sailed over and saw my sister who had seen me by car from the Niantic bridges and pulled off the road at a nearby park where there was a floating dock.
Fortunately, her topsides and deck are still in excellent condition, but she needed a new coat of bottom paint, bootstripe, and maintenance varnish on her coaming tops and hatchboard slides.