It feels like I have been working on ORION for a very long time, and I originally did not plan to take on so many projects! But I’m happy to say the only tasks left to do are to clean the cabin one last time (vacuum and then sponge clean with soap and water), put cushions and everything else back in the cabin, and strap the mast down on deck and prepare to bring her to Niantic for launch. I’m still not 100% sure of when the launch date will be - there are a lot of other work and home commitments - but I am getting that much closer. As much as I like to have ORION in the water each April, the blustery winter winds this year are still around which would have prevented me from doing much sailing anyway. I’m happy to spend the extra time getting ORION in tip-top condition for the 2024 sailing season.
New cabin paint.
Rebedded chainplates.
Varnishing hatchboards and bulkhead panels.
Checking for holidays in the coaming top varnish.
Harrison varnishing the cabin sole.
Harry sanding the bootstripe.
Bootstripe done.
Looking good!