Jan. 6-12
Here’s a picture taken near the start of the big 2013 Mariner Rendezvous. Skipper Anne Fogarty with crew Greg Koski are motoring #2654 TIA MARIA in the rain through the Niantic bridges out into Niantic Bay. The docile conditions pictured here quickly changed turned into a storm out in the bay with gusts to 30 knots. While most Mariners successfully fought their way to Mystic Seaport, TIA MARIA’s rudder and tiller broke while still in Niantic Bay; at the same time, her outboard stopped working. Drifting dangerously toward shore, Anne and Greg managed to set their anchor and radio for assistance. Dan Meaney, close by in #2024 CLEW-SEA-NUF, turned around and managed to take them in tow back to the launch ramp. (He then sailed over the following day to join the group at the Seaport.) Although TIA MARIA was out of action for the event, Anne and Greg simply drove over to the Seaport to join in the fun with everybody else.
Jan. 13-19
Steve Creighton and Joanne McCarthy surge ahead in Mariner #1969 THE POD with Bruce Robbins in #3200 NORA ROSE close behind. They are sailing up the Connecticut River during the 2022 Mariner Rendezvous to Essex, and keen observers may notice a couple more Mariners in the far right background; a total of 16 boats participated in the event. Robert Stelpstra is sitting on NORA ROSE’s cabin top - Robert drove all the way from Quebec, Canada to join in the fun, and Bruce kindly offered to have him crew for him on the way from Niantic to Essex. He hopes to one day participate in a Rendezvous with his own boat! THE POD is actually Steve and Joanne’s second Mariner as their primary Mariner, the old-style #629 BLIND SQUIRREL, is used (quite successfully) for racing in their home waters of Brant Beach, Long Beach Island, New Jersey. THE POD, a mid-style boat, offers slightly more comfortable cabin accommodations for cruising, but she is also quite speedy on the water.